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2008 Reports




South Wales & West Of England C.T.C.

Championship Show  18th October 2008

Judge: Liz Cartledge (Ryslip)



DCC & RBIS; Shopland’s Ch Cherrycrack Mack The Knife

RDCC; Ward’s Vanajam Pop Idol

BCC & BIS; Thompson’s Casteline Bonnie

RBCC; Lindborg & Nordstrand’s Swe Ch Rasken’s Rich Grey Lark

Best Puppy; Burgin’s Noncom Miss Hat He Chewed

Best Veteran; Walls Ch Shearwater Cae De Sonhas


BCC & BIS Casteline Bonnie,Liz Thompson, Judge Liz Cartledge, Maggie Shopland, DCC & RBIS Ch Cherrycrack Mack The Knife









  1. Firth & Jones’ Cairngold Spin Of The Wheel
  2. Armitage Cairngold Roullette



  1. Inetts Noncom Inett Tu Winnit With Carradine
  2. Downie & Tate’s Jaeva Face The Music
  3. Parker Tucker’s Uniquecottage Raleigh
  4. Peers’ Tweedisle Crazy Koot



  1. Templeton’s Larchlea  Time To Entertain
  2. Ward’s Vanajam Dirty Dancing
  3. Felter’s & Rumens’ Landbuck Colour Code
  4. Saich’s Lindcoly Earnest Ernie



  1. Ough’s Ocedor Benji



  1. Tycadno Starman
  2.  Mears’ Glenmear Maewitcy



  1. Lynch’s Fieldron Call My Bluff At Linacrelads
  2. Saich’s New Adventure
  3. Ough’s Ocedor Zephyr



  1. Smee’s Malmay King Of The Road
  2. Peers Tweedisle Guy Mannering
  3. Dolan & Inett’s Glenrood Iceman JW
  4. Rhead’s Copseleaze Chesterwoodboy
  5. Edney’s Cherrycrack Poacher


LIMIT DOG  5 (1)

  1. Ward’s Vanajam Pop Idol
  2. Pollock’s Larchlea Licensed To Thrill At Stanedykes
  3. Cameron’s Stryveling Robb Ruadh
  4. Saich’s lindcoly Golden Legend


OPEN DOG 13 (2)

  1. Shoplands Ch. Cherrycrack Mack The Knife
  2. Catto’s Ch. Birselaw Daydream Believer
  3. Middlehurst’s Zalazar Unzipped! (Imp Dnk) At Starveren
  4. Thomas & Hooton’s Ch. Raskens Romping Playboy (imp).
  5. Waugh’s Tribannon Warlord



  1. Ough’s Ocedar Zephyr



  1. Wall’s Ch Shearwater cae De Sonhas
  2. Roberts’ Ch Cannwood Augurey



  1. Munday’s Ch Stradivarius Sonata
  2. Dolan’s Glenrood Magic Pipit
  3. Ough’s Ocedar Morning Star  



  1. 1. Parker Tucker’s Uniquecottage Oyster Catcher.
  2.  Thomas’s Ch. Tycadno Columbia

Ough’s Ocedor Kiwi


      1.Day’s Trekilli Piccallilli

      2.Confue’s Anjofra Welcome To La La Land

      3.Catto’s Birselaw Bewitched

      Res. Harrison’s Carradine Tara

      Vhc. Shannon & Storr’s Brenndarcy Button It



  1. Burgin’s Noncom Miss Hat He Chewed
  2. Hughes’ Gyncairn Royal Velvet
  3. Day’s Trekilli Piccallilli
  4. Burgin’s Noncom Lucy locket
  5. Wards Vanajam Disco Diva



  1. Dolan’s Glenrood Mystic Topaz
  2. Felters & Rumens’ landbuck Jazz Hands
  3. Hughes & Winsley’s Davmar Silva Sox
  4. Weinberger’s Larchlea Good Vibrations At Corrennie
  5. Phillips’ Jaeva Stcky Toffee



  1. Janes’ Theryse Olways Moanin
  2. Roberts’ Cannwood Raz-A-Ma-Tazz
  3. Bradshaw’s Newfield Dawn Spirit
  4. Confue’s Anjofra Blackberry tart



  1. Saich’s Lindcoly Oki Doki
  2. Smith’s Rocasovale it’s up to You
  3. Parker Tucker’s Uniquecottage Guillemot
  4. Hacker’s Coxellot Ballet Shoes.



  1. Dolan’s Glenrood Forever Popsy
  2. Gldfinch’s Kanawha It’s Not Over Yet
  3. Hacker’s Coxellot best Shoes To Teddeana
  4.  Parker Tucker’s Uniquecottage Speciosa



  1. Thompson’s Casteline Bionnie
  2. Smee’s Malmay Sky’s the Limit
  3. Chambers’ Cairngrove Clever Cloggs
  4. Dolan’s Glenrood Forever Topps
  5. Confue’s Anjofra Me Me Me



  1. Weinbergers Correnie Crazy for You
  2. Firth’s Cairngold Avin A Paddy
  3. Munday’s Birselaw Firebird  Of Stradivarius
  4. Day’s Trekhilli Chilli Pepper At Tre-Ki Shcm.
  5. Phillips Jaeva En Vogue  



  1. Swe Ch Raskens Rich Grey Lark
  2. Innett’s Carradine Magic Star
  3.  Waugh’s Razzle Dazzle Glory At Tribannon
  4. Kinton’s Luck Be A Lady
  5. Dolan’s Glenrood Cascade



  1. Day’s Trekhilli Chilli Pepper At Tre-Ki Shcm
  2. Janes’ Theryse Olways Moanin
  3. Ough’s Ocedar Look at Me
  4. Bradshaw’s Newfield Just A Chance..



1         Coxellot

2         Glenrood

3         Cannwood
































OCTOBER 18 2008


A last minute change of venue from Stroud to the Three Counties Showground, Malvern, must have caused some very anxious moments for the South Wales & West of England Cairn Terrier Club’s committee.  All was calm and organised on the day and we were blessed with one of the best days weatherwise we have had all year.  It was probably warmer outside than in as these big agricultural buildings take some warming up.  The sun did it’s best shining all day.  Club shows are always very special and this one certainly had a friendly happy atmosphere.  I was delighted with the entry of 180 from 169 dogs and I had some tough decisions to make.  I was disappointed in some of the lower classes in both sexes.  Generally I feel the breed is in good hands but there is cause for concern when it comes to movement.  I had far too many that failed in front movement.  The standard is specific and straight forward on this point:  “Forelegs reaching well forward;  hindlegs giving strong propulsion..  Very free flowing stride.”  I had plenty of weak fronts, some just “pitter pattering”   along with no forward reach; others narrow or wide coming towards me.  A few had rather fine bone and thin feet but they were in the minority.  Hind action was better going away but some certainly did not display “strong propulsion” when seen from the side.  Some were shown a bit plump which spoils the underline and makes them look a little clumsy.  Temperaments were lovely – I would not expect anything else in this breed!  Tailsets and carriages were good, better than I remember from before.. Inevitably some coats were on the blow, some ripe for stripping, and others half naked.  I had a lovely day and greatly appreciated the exemplary and sporting attitude of the exhibitors.  A handsome big basket with 6 bottles of wine was presented to me at the end of the day, very nice indeed.  Best in Show was Casteline Bonnie;  RBIS & BOS Cherrycrack Mack the Knife; BP Noncom Miss Hat He Chewed & BV Ch Shearwater Cae De Sonhas.


MPD (6,4): 1 Firth & Jones’s Cairngold Spin Of The Wheel, 8 mths, good head & expression, well fitting coat, in excellent condition, low set hocks.  Still needs to tighten up in front movement; 2  Armitage’s Cairngold Roulette, 8 mths gr/br, litter brother to 1st, typical head, dark expressive eyes, good topline & quarters.  Rather stilted in front action, handler and puppy would benefit from visits to a good ringcraft club.


PD (6,2): Innett and Harrison’s Noncom Inett Tu Winnit with Carradine, on day off his first birthday so celebrated in style going BPD, up to size, all male, excellent coat texture and in good form, masculine head, keen expression, assertive mover who showed an interest in everything around him, very well handled;  2 Downie & Tate’s Jaeva Face The Music, 9 and a half months gr/br, quality head, dark eyes, good topline, well carried tail , firm body.  Coat not at its best and not the texture of 1st.  Not moving 100% behind, well handled; 3 Parker-Tucker’s Uniquecottage Raleigh.


JD (5,1):  1 Templeton’s Larchlea Time To Entertain, 17 mths gr/br, greatly appreciated his bag of Royal Canin, quite determined to eat it while I wrote my report! Classy head, lovely eyes full of expression, small ears, animated  personality, good bone & feet, well carried tail, weather resistant coat, fit and healthy.  Better front movement that 2nd but to be picky I should like to see a bit more extension when going round;  2 Ward’s Vanajam Dirty Dancing, 16 mths wheaten, scopy youngster with lovely coat and condition, keen expression, well proportioned, well muscled, side movement impressed but just a bit close in front;  3 Felters and Rumens’ Landbuck Colour Code.


MD (3,2):  1 Ough’s Ocedar Benji, 11 mths, not in his best bib & tucker, showed reasonably well considering  he was on his own.  Keen expression, movement needs to improve all round.


UGD (4,1):  1 Lynch’s Fieldron Call My Bluff at Linacrelands, 2 yrs, well proportioned, pleasing head & expression, harsh jacket, good body.  Bit wide in front movement ; 2 Saich’s New Adventure, coat on the blow, needs to concentrate on the job & to improve in front movement.  Attractive head, expressive eyes.  A little short & stuffy in neck;  3 Ough’s Ocedar Zephyr, 5 yrs, good quarters but a bit weak in front, carrying too much weight.  Bit long in foreface.  Sire of MD winner.


ND (3,1):  1 Thomas’s Tycadno Starman, 12 mths, clean & well presented coat, good bone, legs & feet, cooperative showman, moved ok.  A little full in eye;  2 Mears Glenmear Maewitch, 14 mths, half brother to 1st, needs more body, coat not at its best, masculine head, failed in movement.  Topline looked a bit wavy, should look better with a new coat.


PGD (11,1): Good class 1 Smee’s Malmay King Of The Road, 2 yrs, well proportioned quality dog, made it hard work for his handler as he has a short attention span, looked very good when he concentrated! Broad skull, good head & eyes, lovely expression, well sprung rigs, firm topline & quarters, well let down hocks,  well coated, easy mover;  2 Peers Tweedisle Guy Mannering, 21 mths gr/br, very smart well bodied youngster in hard condition, dark expressive eyes, well carried tail, harsh jacket, well handled to look his best.  Not as firm in hind movement as 1st but he pressed hard for the top spot here ;  3 Inett & Dolan’s Glenrood Ice Man.


LD (5,1):  Not a big class but quite even for type &quality 1, RCC , Ward’s Vanajam Pop Idol, 18 mths wheaten, very fit & agile looking, really putting on the style both on the move & standing, vivacious showman, delightful head and expression, neat ears, clean neckline, good topline , body & quarters, in tip top form, excellent coat texture, responded well to his handler; 2 Pollock’s Larchlea Licence to Thrill at Stanedykes, 17 mths r/br, I liked this dog but his coat was on the blow, masculine head, keen intelligent expression, on his toes & showed with animation, good ribcage, fit & well muscled.  Up to size; 3 Cameron’s Stryveling Robb Ruadh.


OD (13,3):  1 CC & RBIS, Shopland’s Cherrycrack Mack The Knife, 3 and a half yrs dark br, excellent type & quality, made a good account of himself on the move, sound with plenty of drive and propulsion, broad skull, strong muzzle, no mistaking him for anything but a male in head and outlook, keen alert expression, splendid coat and condition, deep ribs, sympathetically handled,  Not quite on the ball when it came to BIS as he became slightly distracted, having spotted the RCC bitch who he had apparently mated a few weeks ago – they are not silly these Cairns as he obviously remembered.. So he lost out to the CC bitch but beat his “bride” to the RBIS spot;  2 Catto’s Ch Birselaw Daydream Believer, 2 & half yrs, another with a good coat, well conditioned, focused showman & very intent on the job in hand, well let down hocks, good body and ribcage, confident personality, typical head, moved well behind, just a bit lazy in front action, expertly handled; 3 Middlehurst’s Zalazar Unzipped at Starveren (imp).


BD (1): O Zephyr.


VD 7-10 yr (3,1):1, BV, Wall’s Ch Shearwater Cae De Sohhas, old favourite of mine, at 10 yrs plus he is still very fit & moved better than a lot of the younger ones, well proportioned, good bone & feet, harsh coat, just right for weight & body, showed with that air of importance; 2, Roberts Ch Cannwood Augurey, 7 & half yrs, intelligent expression, well fitting coat, excellent body, bit lazy with his tail on the move, not the animation of winner  on the move, nevertheless a very nice cairn.


VB – 7-10yrs: (5,2): 1  Munday’s Ch Stradivarius Sonata, 10 yrs gr/br, easy winner, keen as mustard still, moved very well, showed non stop, dark eyes, good expression, well handled;  2  Dolan’s Glenrood Magic Pipit, 9 ¾  yrs, ultra feminine little bitch, I preferred head & expression of 1st, good coat & condition, moved ok; 3 Ough’s Ocedar Morning Star.  V – Over 11 yrs  (4,1):  1 Parker Tucker’s Uniquecottge Oyster Catcher, 12 yrs red dog in pretty good shape, excellent coat, well balanced, typical head, happy showman, moved quite well;  2 Thomas’s Ch Tycadno Columbia, 11 yrs bitch, distinguished grey face, showed with great enthusiasm and spirit, moved ok.  Carrying too much weight.


MPB (17,5):  Quite a class.  1 Day’s Trekhilli Piccallilly, 6 mths gorgeous dark brindle, full of mischief but quite self possessed, lovely coat texture, good body & condition, feminine head, warm expressive eyes, moved well.  Promising as was 2, Confue’s Anjofra Welcome To La La Land, nearly 9 mths, I liked very much but coat ready to strip, easy mover, well proportioned, good topline & quarters, composed showgirl, keen sparkling eyes, well handled;  3 Catto’s Birselaw Bewitched, lovely child.


PB  (13,4) : 1, BP, Burgin’s NonCom Miss Hat He Chewed, litter sister to winning PD, sound switched on light br who moved & showed with that easy flow, quality head, dark eyes, good neck & shoulders, excellent topline & overall proportions, good prospect – when challenging for BP she went better that her brother in front; 2 Hughes’ Gyncairn Royal Velvet, 11 mths, harsh jacket, typical head, needs more face furnishing, happy & cooperative but dropped her tail at the crucial moment here, well bodied & proportioned, excellent feet; 3 T Piccallilly.


JB (9,2): Dolan’s Glenrood Mystic Topaz, 15 ½  mths, pretty bitch, gorgeous eyes, feminine head, neat ears, good legs & feet, harsh jacket, well handled, showy & smart.  Went well behind, a little loose in front;  2 Felters and Rumens Landbuck Jazz Hands, 12 mths, feminine & most appealing , clean well presented coat, at one with her handler, good topline & proportions but looked a little immature in this company;  3 Hughes & Winsley’s Davmar Silva Sox.


MB (9,4): 1 Janes Therhyse Olways Moanin, unplaced in JB but more settled here, 16 mths, very hungry for her Royal Canin!  Feminine head, excellent coat, body & condition moved & showed better in this class;  2 Roberts Cannwood Raz-A-Ma-Tazz, 2 yrs, attractive head, positive showgirl, well coated, sympathetically handled.  Needs to move with more drive;  3  Bradshaw’s Newfield Dawn Spirit.


NB (9,4):  1 Saich’s Lindcoly Oki Doki, 16 mths red, got the idea eventually, good outline & proportions, well fitting coat, pleasing head, good type & size.  Moved ok once she decided to settle down a bit; 2 Smith’s Rocasovale Its Up To You, 2 yrs gr/br, not quite relaxed & looked a little worried, moved reasonably well at the end of the class, Up to size; 3 Parker Tuckers Uniquecottage Guillimot.


UGB (6,2):  1 Dolan’s Glenrood Forever Popsy, totally feminine , pretty face, dark intelligent eyes, harsh jacket, moved and showed ok; 2 Goldfinch’s Kanawha Its Not Over Yet, 2 yrs good head & expression, standing and moving a little slack in front, deep ribs, strong body,  Coat on the blow; 3 Hacker’s Coxellot Best Shoes to Teddeana.


PGB (19,4): Biggest class of the day with plenty of talent.  1 CC & BIS, Thompson’s Castleline Bonnie, just turned 2, I really fell for this bitch in a big way, totally relaxed and at ease with herself on the table, no exaggerations – very sound & well constructed, most attractive head, eyes full of sparkle, good neckline, level back, good tailset, clean coat of good texture, never put a foot wrong.  Her first CC, I hope there will be more big green cards coming her way.  Absolutely true in movement, real charmer;  2 Smee’s Malmay Sky’s The Limit, top quality bitch I saw as a puppy & thought she had excellent potential.  Good size and type, well proportioned, best of bodies, pleasing head & eyes well coated. Not going quite as well as 1st in front today;  3 Chambers and Exton’s Cairngrove Clever Clogs.


LB (12,1):  Plenty of quality in this class too.  1 Weinberger’s Corrennie Crazy For You, just 2, classy bitch, proper cairn & when she won this class I thought she was a good contender for the CC.  Moved well but in the end she thought the whole exercise took too long & lacked that vital sparkle.  Quality head, lovely eyes, good coat texture, bone, legs & feet, deep ribs, strong quarters, good body; 2  Firth and Jones’ Cairngold Avin A Paddy, dark gr/br 2 yr old, very typy & high spirited, carrying just a shade too much weight but it did not spoil her movement, very nice silhouette, good coat.  Got a little hot towards the end;  3 Munday’s Birselaw Firebird of Stradivarious.


OB (10,3):  Quite a difficult class, I thought.  1,RCC, Lindborg & Nordstrand’s  Swed Ch Rasken’s Rich Grey Lark, nearly 5, went around the ring as if she owned it, responded beautifully to her handler & would show forever, I liked her head, expressive eyes and positive attitude, well sprung ribs, good bone, legs and feet, well fitting jacket, well muscled,  Hind angulation a little exaggerated for me & disappointed in her hind movement, nevertheless such a big hearted showgirl that she still deserved the RCC; 2 Inett, Harrison & Clayton’s Carradine Magic Star, 3 yrs, feminine head, good neckline, topline  & quarters, like all from this kennel showed consistently, very well handled  & conditioned, moved ok.  Coat not quite in the form of 1st;  3 Waugh’s Rivercottage Sandy’s Legend.


BB ((4): 1 Day’s Trekhilli Chilli Pepper at Tre-Ki, ShCm, reserve in the strong LB class but came into her own here, dam of the delightful MPB winner,  Well coated & bodied, intelligent expression, big personality, well proportioned, fit & well muscled, showed well.  Bit untidy in front action;  2 T Olways Moanin;  3 Bradshaw’s Newfield Just a Chance.


Brace (7,1):  1 Hacker’s Coxellot Bally Shoes and C Best Shoes to Teddeana, very similar in heads, coats & colour, litter sisters, lively and animated but both carrying a bit of surplus weight; 2 Dolan’s bitches, well matched; 3 Roberts.





Early morning mist over the Malvern Hills


The Malvern Hills Come Afternoon


Photographs By Graham Peers


“GP Out-Takes”


A Double Act!

A rare sight!

English rose between two thistles!

I’m parched gimme me a swig of your tea!

As one Judge to another!

All mugs have a handle on the side!

A job shared!

Final attention!

From Scotland for the free food and drink!

Gimme a kiss!

Sorry your lucky number has gone!

Trainees receiving instructions!

I may be able to find you a space!

There they go, running into the sun!

A quick getawa!

I won them!