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A Very Clever Cairn

Just wanted to blow the trumpet for my cairn Netty (otherwise known as Ock Thursday's Child). We were at the UK Agility Club competition this weekend and on Saturday she was 5th (out of 12) in the beginners agility class. She didn't get a clear round though, 9 faults for not going into the weaves. On Sunday she actually did a CLEAR round for the beginners agility class but picked up time faults so technically didn't get a clear round but as far as I was concerned she went clear, no poles down or equipment refusals she was placed 6th out of 20 not bad for a beginner. Sunday was very hot & Netty usually doesn't want to do anything except sleep so I was very pleased she actually worked! There was another cairn there who went clear, sorry I don't know her name or breeding. I generally see a couple of cairns at Agility shows,  the trouble is I am so busy trying not to miss walking the courses or classes (as everyone else is doing) that you only get to speak to people & their dogs while you wait in line for your turn to run.

just to update on Netty (my agility cairn), this weekend she actually got a real Clear Run in the Helter Skelter class & was within the time set. So our first ever clear run. I am really proud of her the world is now our oyster as they say. She has proved to me we can do it!! The Helter Skelter class consists of jumps & tunnels which are set so you run round & round in a circle - just like a helter skelter!



 Jennie Fairweather