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A Yorkshire Puppy Party


This week the Brenndarcy pups were invited to a “puppy party” although the invite was for all seven of us, Brenda decided only to take the “chosen three”.

 It was great, no adults, lots of toys and space to run about in. Eleven other puppies arrived with their owners who stood about saying daft things like, “I like his ear set”, “what a straight front”, “who’s she by? “ “Just look at her attitude” and worst of all “Yes he’s ok he’s got two!” Then they kept picking us up and looking at our mouths, some of us were more co-operative than others.



The entertainment was brilliant, Brenda took her camera and had this daft idea of taking a picture of all 14 of us, they tried running up and down with a squeaky chicken which some of us didn’t particularly like, then they all took two pups each and set us of like a race whilst someone jumped up and down shouting, then they got down on their knees calling  “puppies, puppies” and making silly clicking noises… you should have seen them!


After the show we all retired for a little nap whilst they disappeared into the house for some “refreshments and a natter” I suppose we would be the only topic of conversation?


After a nice nap and a drink we all trooped out and wondered was next on the itinerary.

We were herded into this dog pen, then I think this lady was trying to sell some pet bedding, she kept wafting it about and we tested it for tear proofing etc. Not being as keen on Sheep as some, we wanted Brenda to ask if it came in red with a big ginger cat on like our Tigger.

Then she showed us round her kennel, it was ok, but we were getting tired again and ready for home.


Boy did we have some lovely dreams that night.

We thought of having a “Spot The Champion” competition but it may be a while before the winner is announced!     Brenda