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Sybil Berrecloth Judges In Sweden

BOB Champion Hjohoo's Having Fun with Hjo, with handler Mimmi Alin, Judge Sybil Berrecloth

BOS Champion Hjohoo's I Wanna Be Like Hjo, with Elisabeth Theodorsson.

Sybil Berrecloth Writes;

I recently had the pleasure of judging a nice entry of Cairns at the Hallands Kennelklubb International Show in western Sweden.  Overall the Cairns were very typical, good heads and stops and well placed ears.  Very few dodgy mouths or untypical expressions.  Most had good length, depth and spring of rib and level toplines.  Fronts were pretty good, hind angulation was mostly acceptable, not excessive  and movement was reasonable with just a few wide in front and close behind.  Handling and presentation was generally very good with most showing on loose leads and very few requiring tails to be held up, but some exhibits were shown in very short coats which at times tended to the wiry – more like an Airedale than a Cairn.  As to size – well that’s another matter.  Yes, they are all bigger than the Standard, many much bigger, but should we criticise them when ours are no better?  Possibly in UK we have more smaller ones – nearer the Standard – but how many are actually within the 6 – 7 kilo range.  Precious few I suggest and those would look small in the ring compared to the rest! The Swedish exhibitors are a friendly and sporting bunch and were graceful in accepting my decisions and comments. BOB Ch. Hjohoo’s Having Fun With Hjo and BOS Ch. Hjohoo’s I Wanna Be With Hjo were from the same exhibitor, Elisabeth Theodorsson.