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Midland Cairn Terrier Club

Year Book 2012

For 2012 all adverts should be sent to Brenda Shannon

Articles and information to Dawn Inett.



This year  we are reducing the cost of the adverts in the hope that as many of

you from home and abroad will place adverts with us.

Many of us are now using digital cameras. Photos taken on a digital camera are acceptable; they

should be sent to Brenda and must be at least 1600 pixels by 1200 pixels or better using normal

compression (i.e. the least compression). The file size will be approximately 850k at these settings

and should be in JPEG format. Scanned photos must be saved in PC Format as a TIFF image at

300dpi resolution. This only applies to SLR photographs that have been changed in Photoshop or


 We are also pleased to offer full page adverts in PDF. colour is £80, black & white £40

but there is no extra charge for additional photos. Please ensure that your advert measures

no more than 17cm wide x 25 cm high.


Information needed

If you have made up a champion this year or one of your dogs has been awarded a C.C. –

congratulations. For champions Dawn will need a photograph and a 3 generation pedigree together

with details of Line and Family Number, date of birth and breeder. For C.C. winners Dawn will need

the same apart from the photo.

If anyone has any interesting articles or details of any interesting web sites, please send these to


If you have changed any address or telephone number or your details are incorrect in the last Year

Book, please let Dawn know.


Dawn’s address is 18 Station Road, Fernhill Heath, Worcester, WR3 7UJ or email dawninett@aol.com

The closing date is 31 December 2011.

Please send cheques with adverts to Brenda at 364 Bradley Road, Bradley, Huddersfield, HD2 1PU

 or email bdcairns@brenndarcy.co.uk and pay by Paypal.


Prices of adverts are;

Colour - Full page now reduced from £85 to £80, half page reduced from £65 to £45

Mono - Full page now reduced from £45 to £40, half page reduced from £35 to £25

If you want more than one photo and a colour background at no extra cost please email Brenda

Who can design a bespoke advert for you.

Would overseas members please send pounds sterling travellers cheques or pounds sterling

international money order. I regret that no foreign cheques can be accepted. UK as well as overseas

 members can however use our Paypal service. Overseas members may also pay their 2012 subscriptions

at the same time. (£16 Single or Joint). Please note that there is a small administration charge for this service. For further details please goto  Membership Details Page.