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Most of us know that Jenny Fairweather regularly competes with her Cairn in Agility and obedience, she now has another pastime for her Ock Cairns……


“Mischief - Ock I The Noo, & I did our first ever Heel Work to Music Progress test Level 1 Freestyle and got a MERIT ( could have got pass, merit or distinction)! He messed around at first  (Hence we lost the distinction) but then put his mind to it and worked very well. We did a dance routine to 90 seconds of a piece of music "Victory" by Bond. The routine had to contain at least the following: circling around me, 8+ spins, 12 steps of heel work, 8+ steps with Mischief walking backwards, 8+ weaving through my legs while I walked forward and a pose where he just rested his front paws on my bent leg.  Thank goodness the judge let us have 2 goes. Thank you Alison Wilde our judge for the test.

I enclose a photo of mischief just posing for the camera!”