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Today, at the Midland CTC Championship Show, it was fortunate for me to miss out on what - I have been told - was a  beautiful presentation speech given by Milly Jennings. Yet, I came home with a delightful piece of Crystal which will be treasured for the rest of my life.


It was unfortunate for Milly; she hadn’t been told that the person to whom she was to present with a Crystal Trophy was absent – being from Chesterfield, I take the opportunity of the break for lunch to travel to Boythorpe Cemetery to pay homage to past family members, who are resting there.


It was well that I was absent but no one should think this infers any lack of gratitude or appreciation on my part. When placed in a situation of listening to others praising my actions for having done only that which I enjoy doing, makes me both uncomfortable and emotional and believe that tears falling from a grown man is not a pretty sight.


A very grateful ‘thank you’ to Milly and all others for thinking so highly of me for having done so little – I am very proud of receiving such a lovely ‘trophy’ and have taken the attached photograph to let all see its beauty.


Graham Peers  


(As someone who’s mantelpiece proudly displays a “Doonrae Award” , I know just how Graham feels.  Brenda)